Q: What is spiking?
A: Spiking is a quick offensive movement that is hard for the opposing team to return.
Q: How do you spike?
A: First you anticipate where the ball is going so you can jump and intercept it with the palm of yor hand at the extent of your reach. Then jump to that interception point with your first step (your right foot, if you're right-handed, left foot if your left handed), raising both hands in front of your body. Now take twoo small but quick steps forward to get your feet under you with your knees bent, while simutaneously swinging your arms behind you. Then swing your hands forward and up while jumping. Now draw your right hand, or left, back behind your head as you rise, so your open palm faces the celing. Lastly you hit the ball as if overhand serving but instead snap your wrist forward hitting the ball down.